Creative Industries Forum in Khabarovsk

The Federation of CreativeIndustries served as the intellectual partner for the Creative Industries Forumin Khabarovsk, held from August 1-3. The event was organized by the Ministryfor the Development of the Far East and the Arctic, the Far East and ArcticDevelopment Corporation, and the Government of the Khabarovsk Region.
The Federation introducedtwo major formats:
CIF Conf: Export ofcreative products from the Far East. In a modular three-hour discussion, expertstalked about the international promotion of local brands, cinema, animation,music, and other creative products. The conference became a platform fordiscussing a wide range of topics—from statistics to specific approaches andrecommendations. Regional practices for exporting creative products werepresented by Ulyanovsk, Tyumen, and Yakutia. Our partners from Japan, UAE,Kazakhstan, and Vietnam shared their international experience and cooperationproposals. Conclusions and suggestions for developing the Far East as an exporthub for creative products will be included in the regional strategy fordeveloping creative industries, to be presented in September at the EasternEconomic Forum.
«CIF Conf served as asocial glue for relationships with foreign experts: they felt the need to shareknowledge and experience, and we are scaling this process, becoming an operatorof international contacts for the development of creative product exports fromthe Far East and Russia as a whole,» — Igor M. Namakonov, CEO of CIF.
Creative Products Alleyof the Far East.For the first time, the WONDERUSSIA project was implemented in an offlineformat. 26 brands, 4 studios, 5 artists and collectives, and 8 content projectsfrom 11 regions of the Far Eastern Federal District were showcased in an Alleymade of modular cubes. Each cube included information about the region, itsnatural and cultural features, and demonstrated local creative products.Together with the RCIS, we marked brands that registered trademarks or patentswith special stickers featuring QR codes and holograms. The project has alreadyevolved: we are processing a request to create a similar Alley within theframework of the Eastern Economic Forum and the Far Eastern Days in Moscow. Photos →
The results of the Forumwere discussed on Khabarovsk TV channel. We invite you to listen to thisconversation →